In a realm ruled by merciless deities, Pelthiel and Leithia have spent their lives shrouded in secrecy, guarding their unearthly abilities from the eyes of the malevolent Gods. Fierce and unwavering, they navigate a treacherous path until an unexpected act of heroism forces them to unveil their mystic powers.
As Pelthiel's heart entwines with the enigmatic Belthin, an individual marked for sacrifice by Utfer, the wrathful God, Nagir City mobilizes its deadly forces to fulfill their dark prophecy. Forbidden love intertwines with imminent destruction, and the siblings' shocking discovery about Belthin threatens to shatter their entire existence.
As the looming presence of the Gods grows ever closer, their powers fading, Pelthiel and Leithia find solace in an unforeseen truth - the Gods themselves may be vulnerable. With unwavering determination, Pelthiel embarks on a perilous journey, defying divine wrath and defying destiny.
In this gripping tale of defiance and love, the Gods of Belteros may be feared, but sometimes, one mortal's unwavering resolve can challenge the very pillars of divine power. Welcome to a world where the tempestuous dance of gods and mortals unveils a fate that even divine forces cannot control.