One of the leading lights among the Bengal intellectuals of that era, Rajshekhar Basu alias Parashuram (or, Parashurama / Parshuram), served us well with his characteristic humor-coated sarcasm that made fun of the irrationality and deep superstitions that were plaguing the Bengali society of the yore and its people. Yet his writings ring as foresight even in this age of information overflow.
This collection of 12 of Parashuram's greatest short stories is a veritable collector's item and a treasure trove of literary gems in the annals of witticism and dry humor in classic Bengali literature that captures the essence of Bengali culture in its most authentic flavor. The treatise presents a resonating train of auditory escapades spanning almost 5 & 1/2 hours of an unbridled laugh riot.
Discover more such Bengali audio stories by typing mystorygenie in the search bar without leaving space between the different English alphabets.