Raising healthy children requires a multifaceted approach that combines love, structure, values, and preparation for adulthood. By providing a stable home environment, consistent discipline, and opportunities for growth, parents can support their children's development of identity and self-worth while also fostering a "sense of the divine." The sensus divinitatis, a concept introduced by theologian John Calvin, refers to the innate knowledge and awareness of God that all human beings possess. This sense of divinity is not a fully formed theological understanding, but rather an intuitive recognition of the divine orchestration and purpose in life. When children are raised properly, it fosters their natural inclination to perceive this purpose and design in the universe, and to find their places in it.
Aside from the salvation of Jesus Christ, proper parenting and healthy children is what this country needs right now more than anything.
Roger Ball is a Reformed Christian writer who lives on the Florida Spacecoast. He writes on Christian theology, apologetics, psychology, and culture. Contact: http://facebook.com/