This series explores the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary culture. The goal is to address important cultural issues, encourage spiritual exploration through thought-provoking themes, and share the gospel meaningfully with today’s modern culture. This ever-expanding list includes the following titles:
* God’s Existence Proven in 15 Minutes
* Why Do Good People Go to Hell?
* Why Does Evil Exist?
* Know the Truth! Can Same-Sex Attraction Be Overcome?
* Do You Have a Soul Mate?
* Knowing God’s Will: Don’t “Just Do Something”
* Nurturing the Divine Within: Raising Healthy Children through Structure, Love, and Spiritual Awareness
* How to Destroy Any Society
* American Bloodlust: The Violent Psychological Conditioning of Today's Young People
* Does Suicide Damn the Soul?
* How Can I Be Guilty of Adam's Sin?
* Moral Failure and God’s Purposes
* Of Sin and Suffering: Quotes for Growing in Christ
* Explore the Faith! A Glossary of Christian Words, Beliefs and Practices
* NEW! What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?
* NEW! What Is My Calling? Knowing God’s Will for Your Vocation