The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle is a classic adventure novel that follows the thrilling exploits of Edward Malone, a journalist determined to prove his worth and win the love of Gladys, who desires an adventurous partner. Set in 1907, Malone joins a scientific expedition led by the eccentric Professor Challenger, who claims to have discovered a plateau in South America where prehistoric creatures still roam.The expedition comprises four main characters: Malone, Challenger, the skeptical Professor Summerlee, and the adventurous Lord John Roxton.
They face numerous challenges as they navigate through treacherous landscapes filled with dangerous flora and fauna. Upon reaching the plateau, they encounter various dinosaurs, including pterodactyls and Iguanodons, alongside primitive tribes and a race of ape-like creatures referred to as "ape-men."As they explore this lost world, internal conflicts arise among the team members. Challenger's arrogance often clashes with Summerlee's skepticism, creating tension that complicates their survival. The narrative evolves from mere exploration to a fight for existence as they become embroiled in tribal conflicts between the indigenous people and the ape-men. This struggle forces them to confront moral dilemmas about civilization and survival.