Andrew Jamison is professor of technology, environment and society at the Department of Development and Planning at Aalborg University and coordinator of PROCEED.He has a BA in history and science from Harvard University (magna cum laude, 1970) and a PhD in theory of science from Gothenburg University (1983).He has been teaching natural science and engineering students about the social and cultural contexts of science and technology since the early 1970s. Professor Jamison has published widely in the fields of science and technology policy and environmental politics and is the author, most recently, of The Making of Green Knowledge. Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation (Cambridge University Press 2001) and, with Mikael Hard, Hubris and Hybrids. A Cultural History of Science and Technology (Routledge 2005). Steen Hyldgaard Christensen is senior lecturer at the Institute of Business and Technology in Herning,which is a part of Aarhus University,where he teaches literature and the history of ideas, research methodology and philosophy of science. He has an MA in Scandinavian Language and Literature and the History of Ideas,from Aarhus University.He has been the initiator and coordinator of three projects on engineering and culture, and he is the co-editor of Philosophy in Engineering (Academica 2005) and Engineering in Context (Academica 2009). He was the initiator of PROCEED and he is the editor in chief of the forthcoming book, co-sponsored by PROCEED, Engineering, Philosophy and Development: American, Chinese and European Perspectives, to be published by Springer Verlag. Lars Botin is an assistant professor at the Department of Development and Planning at Aalborg University, where he teaches theory of science and contextual knowledge to engineering students, and in a number of other departments,as well.He has an MA in art history from Aarhus University and a PhD from Aalborg University (2008), with a dissertation entitled, "A Humanist in the Hospital: Cultural Assessment of Electronic Health Records," in which he presents a phenomenological approach to ethnographic research, using a video observation methodology.