Andrew Jamison has an undergraduate degree in history and science from Harvard University, and a doctoral degree in theory of science from the University of Goteborg in Sweden. He has been professor of Technology, Environment and Society at Aalborg University in Denmark since 1996, where he has taught in a wide range of science and engineering programs. He is the author, most recently, of The Making of Green Knowledge: Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation (Cambridge University Press 2001), and co-author, with Mikael Hard, of Hubris and Hybrids: A Cultural History of Technology and Science (Routledge 2005). Together with Steen Hyldgaard Christensen and Lars Botin, he has also published A Hybrid Imagination: Science and Technology in Cultural Perspective in the Synthesis series on Engineers, Technology and Society (Morgan & Claypool 2011). Before coming to Aalborg, he taught a course in science and society for many years for natural science students at the University of Copenhagen and served as founding director of a graduate program in science and technology policy at Lund University in Sweden.