But after seeing so much positivity which is often also created to sell the public at large, we usually forget that only a small proportion of people usually get success that what we usually see and all the other people out there lose because of the reasons they even don’t have control of.
While celebrating the success of some people we ignore the general population at large who fail and continue their life with that. There is no acknowledgement of those people. There are people who got no spark, no achievement, no excitement but only responsibilities. They are just spending their time with loss of all hopes. There are people who left with no purpose but still they are living but without feeling alive. Unfortunately, those people even constitute a much bigger part of total population.
The sadder part is most of those people might end up like that. They wouldn’t even get to know what it feels like to be alive. That is a harsh reality of the world. Even though they constitute the majority part of total they even don’t have acknowledgement.
Everyone talks about successful people but no one even bother to give attention to the people who struggle every day and that struggle is all what they got. They lose everyday some part of their life. They are hopeless creatures who actually don’t want anything from the world. Well the world is also not giving them anything either.
This poem is the acknowledgement to all the losers out there. It calls out all the demotivated, struggler, frustrated or I would say normal people. This poem tells all of them that its okay. Its okay if no one understands why you lose, why you don’t want to get up right now or you gave up.
I understand you and you are as much as important as the so called successful people in this world. This poem is the acknowledgement that yes unsuccessful people do exist and all holds equal life values as successful people do. I understand what you are going through and I wouldn’t say everything will be all right or anything like that. All I just want to say is Its Okay my friend…
Anurag Sharma is a learner, thinker, researcher and a seeker. He is a learning writer who keeps trying to make an impact in the world from his different thinking and different perspective. He is trying to make a small change in a social process to create a positive butterfly effect in the world.
You can follow Anurag Sharma on Twitter at @csanuragsharma and give your feedbacks, expectations or results from this book.