Starting from the premise that true MbP does not yet exist, the book makes a case for the term "pedagogical model" over alternatives such as curriculum model and instructional model, and explains how learners’ cognitive, social, affective and psychomotor needs should be organised in ways that are distinctive and unique to each model. It examines the core principles underpinning the pedagogical models that make up MbP, including pedagogical models as organising centres for program design and as design specifications for developing local programs. The book also explores how a common structure can be applied to analyse pedagogical models at macro, meso and micro levels of discourse. Having created a language through which to talk about pedagogical models and MbP, the book concludes by identifying the conditions - some existing and some aspirational - under which MbP can prosper in reforming physical education.
An essential read for academics, doctoral and post-graduate students, and pre-service and in-service teachers, Models-based Practice in Physical Education is a vital point of reference for anyone who is interested in pedagogical models and wants to embrace this potential future of physical education.
Ashley Casey is Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy at Loughborough University, UK and Series Editor of the Routledge Focus on Sport Pedagogy.
David Kirk is Professor of Education at the University of Strathclyde, UK, Honorary Professor of Human Movement Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia and Series Editor of the Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport.