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"Building Self-Esteem in Children" is an essential guide that addresses the importance of building healthy self-esteem in children from an early age. The book dives into how self-esteem affects not only children's mental health, but also their academic performance and overall well-being. Through practical strategies and effective approaches, the book provides parents, educators and society at large with tools to cultivate self-esteem in children. From the importance of secure attachment in infancy to how to foster a growth mindset, the book covers a wide range of topics that are crucial to the development of a confident and emotionally healthy child. In addition, challenges such as bullying and how they affect children's self-esteem are addressed. This book is more than a read; it is an investment in our children's future.

Зохиогчийн тухай

David Sandua, author of multiple essays and passionate about writing. 

As an expert in psychology, nutrition and human behavior, with a special focus on personal development and habit transformation, practical and research-based, I have helped countless people understand and dismantle unwanted behavior patterns, and cultivate more positive and healthy habits. My empathetic and understanding approach has made me a trusted guide for those seeking to make significant changes in their lives. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to helping people unlock their potential and live fuller, more satisfying lives.

My interest in self-help books and personal development techniques is also reflected in my writing, where I often provide practical advice and insightful reflections to improve our lives.

My work is a testament to my dedication to this goal.

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