Bing-wen Soong, MD, Ph.D. is Professor in Neurology and Genetics (board-certified neurologist and geneticist, certified clinical trial investigator), Taipei Medical University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Faculty of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China)
Mario Manto, MD, PhD, is the Head of the Department of Neurology at CHU-Charleroi in Belgium. He is also a Professeur de Neuroanatomie et Sémiologie Neurologique, Service des Neurosciences, at UMons, Mons, Belgium.
Alexis Brice, MD, Ph.D., is the Executive Director at the Paris Brain Institute in the ICM, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Sorbonne Université in France.
Stefan-M. Pulst, M.D., Dr. med, is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Neurology, at the University of Utah.