Corrie Banman
The plot of this book had me guessing, and was very well written. It's the
fourth or fifth Celina Grace / Redman novel I've read and if say the best
yet. If you like British crime novels you'll love this one.
2 people found this review helpful
Monica Kemp
Following the very cool and adept D.S. Kate Redmond is an addiction. Great
plot line and emotional musings that are a delicious addition to this
mystery. Have read 5 of the Kate Redmond series...looking forward to more!
4 people found this review helpful
Don Read
I enjoyed this Kate Redman mystery by Celina Grace. Much like the other book in this series the characters are nicely drawn, the cops are good, the villains are bad and the mystery is solved before the end on the book. A nice easy read for a Saturday afternoon.
18 people found this review helpful