The earliest adventures of Miyamoto Usagi, Stan Sakai's celebrated rabbit _ronin_, are available online for the first time as part of Dark Horse's complete digital presentation of _Usagi Yojimbo_! In this third collection of pre-_Usagi Yojimbo_ #1 tales, the tragic Zato Ino makes his first appearance, in Blind Swords-Pigя┐╜ from _Critters_ #7; and Usagi visits the village of his birth for the first time since becoming a _ronin_, in Homecomingя┐╜ from _Critters_ #10я┐╜#11. In this poignant tale, Usagi must defend the town from a clan of ninja alongside the love of his younger daysand her husband, the town magistrate! This collection of essential stories is the best introduction available to Stan Sakai's enduring masterpiece!