Cookbook for Nerds

Rego and Sinem Sen
153 шүүмж
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This book transforms traditional recipes into an ideal format for visual learners: diagrams!  If you know someone who's doesn't like to deal with written recipes, this could be just what they need to cross over into the world of cooking.

In this book you'll find essential ingredients, tools and visual explanations of commonly used cooking terms.  Start off with easier recipes on Level 1 and work your way up to be a pro with Level 3.  If two people want to cook together, they can follow the suggested division of labor.  Enjoy! 

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153 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Rego and Sinem Sen are siblings that grew up in Minnesota and found their way to San Francisco.

Rego is a jack-of-all-trades software engineer with degrees from MIT and Stanford. He shied away from cooking until he developed a visual way of representing recipes, which he found to be more intuitive to a technically-minded person. After working for established companies for 10 years he decided to pursue some his own ideas, one of which has resulted in this book. 

Sinem studied Entrepreneurship at University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. She has always had a passion for business and bringing creative ideas to life. She learned how to cook from her mom and continued to experiment in the kitchen. Once she saw her brother’s amazing way of transcribing recipes as diagrams, she thought it was hilarious yet brilliant. This is when the wonderful idea for this book was created by her and her brother.

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