Yusuf Alper GÜLDEN
"Gay Marriage & Christian Hypocrisy" is a thought-provoking exploration that courageously confronts the intersection of religion and contemporary social issues. The author adeptly navigates through the complexities of the debate surrounding gay marriage within the context of Christian teachings, shedding light on the inherent tensions and contradictions present in the modern interpretation of religious doctrine. Through meticulous research and cogent argumentation, the book challenges conventional narratives, encouraging readers to reevaluate their understanding of both faith and equality. Moreover, "Gay Marriage & Christian Hypocrisy" serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in discussions about sensitive topics. By humanizing the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals and highlighting the inherent dignity and worth of every person, the book transcends ideological divides, offering a vision of inclusivity and acceptance. Best book about gay marriage. 👍
Greg Doornbos-Ross
It is important to remember the bible was inspired by God, men wrote it. Also it is important to look at what the world was like when the scripture was written. Of course they didn't have same sex marriage, they didn't talk about sex of any kind. Women were property. The sin of sodom was not homosexuality, but pride and inhospitality. Want to know more talk to a Rabi, as they know the hebrew and have a clear understanding of the hebrew text (old testament). I am a Christian and history tells us books of the bible have been taken out, then put back in many times, parts of some books were changed and some changed back only to be changed again. It wasn't until Constatine, who became a Christian, that an order came that the bible would stay as it was at that time. No more changes could be made. At that time the verse that the bible could not be changed was added. Some wonder why we can have a faith based upon a book that has changed so many times. I think God wants us to see humankind have never been perfect. Because of our imperfections which often resulted in sin God created something called grace. Jesus Christ dying on the cross is God's grace for us. He loved us so much and still does. What is most important in the bible is God proved he is strong enough to destroy anything, he also is stronng enough to give love to us like no person can give. God has always been there for us. He loves us as we are and where we are. So my faith is based not on a book that was written and changed many times, my faith is based on what hasn't changed, Gods love for us. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, hr grew up, he was treated very poorly by others, he was put to death on a cross, 3 days later he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, why? Because of God's love for us. Do I think God blesses my marriage to my husband? Yes, I do. Back when it was descided to never change the bible, there were gay men and in some societies it was accepted that men would have a younger man they mentored and part of their relationship was sexual.. There would have not been a place other than the military, mens schools that it would have been acceptable. Prior to the 60's men were expected to be the bread winners and women were expected to take care of the children. There was a lgbtq popularion, but they had to remain silent because we had social norms that were so rigid anyone who dared to not follow it were ostracized, beat up and even killed. Unfortunately that is still happening today. I believe that God blesses my relationship and loves us for the ministry of acceptance that we live. Who knows Jesus may come back portrayed as a homeless gayman and I shudder at the thought of all the good church going peoplr who wouldn't welcome him. Some might even ask him to leave. If a man walked in and said his name is Jesus and he died for us, showed you the scars on his hands, how many would believe he is our Lord and Savior. And how many would be calling the local mental health facility to get this man much needed help? I think the latter would win out. God Bless you. I hope that I will see you in heaven as I already know my name is written in the book of life.
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Isaac Palmer
The message I got from this piece is that the legalization of gay marriage doesn't matter because God doesn't recognize it anyway--it's just a 'marriage' sanctified by man, not God. This piece also seemed to discourage any form of relationship with gays. Completely ignoring this religious 'book' (read hate), if you don't like gay marriage then don't enter into one. Resume your life, be pious, and let God do what he wants with the gays. He must have a plan for them because, after all, he made them that way.
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