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Review of "DEAD AID"------ Doesn't really address the elephant in the
sub-saharan room:- just for a moment, imagine: What if the core problem
were a massive over-population with [ON AVERAGE] a very low average IQ ?
Because that would make it very hard to help Sub-Saharan Africa without
appointing an overseer race of some kind. Just giving money for natural
resources, somehow policing and eradicating corruption and creating an
artificially wealthy nation like Saudi Arabia wouldn't help because we
would then have the same low IQ [ on average] population we started with
with the same consequent tendencies to corruption, quick anger, lack of
direction and life purpose and vulnerability to religious fundamentalism :
only this time around with the money to buy advanced weapons systems- - - -
just like happens now only on a wider industrial scale. Now IF, .... IF IF
IF low average IQ WAS a factor in the equation, and IF one is not prepared
to even broach that particular topic, being as it is a particularly hot
potato ( and I can understand why most wouldn't be prepared to ), then any
book advocating a course of action leading to ecconomic turn-around must be
intrinsically flawed.
Brad Keen
The ideas expressed in this book are sound. Dambisa is correct in most of her proposals, especially in regards aid money. But... she never addresses the elephant in the room, i.e. the taboo subject of sub-Saharan I.Q. Let's truthfully review the direction South Africa has been heading since blacks took office there.