The Daniel Fast is a unique, biblically based program designed to balance food intake for maximum health benefits and optimal weight loss.
If you are looking for a biblical program that is backed scientifically, look no further. The Daniel Fast is unlike any other diet plans out there as the Daniel Fast focuses on balance rather than abstinence.
This ebook is beautifully written by Daniel St.Pierre, a seasoned Christian ministry leader with over 25 years health and fitness experience.
Using a custom designed holistic method, the Daniel Fast was written with believers in mind.
The Daniel Fast will help you:
- Lose and/or Maintain an Ideal Weight
- Boost your Immune System
- Eliminate Stress
- Improve Digestion
A combination of water, tea, coffee, fruit & vegetable juices, nuts, grains as well as meats, the Daniel Fast includes all elements of fasting into one.
Best of all, with the Daniel Fast, you'll see results within 24 hours! Download the Daniel Fast today, you'll be glad you did!