Table of Contents
Healing through Milk and Yogurt
Table of Contents
Digesting Milk
Natural Remedies
Rejuvenating Recipe
Avoiding Milk
Increasing Weight
Milk for Skin Problems
Sugar remedy
Pimples and Pimple Scars
Natural Depilatory
Natural Cure for Baldness
Hoarse Throat and Chest Infections
Whooping Cough
Almond milk
Headaches and Migraine
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
Blocked nose
The Best Way to Eat Yogurt
Yogurt for Hair Care
Hair fall
Yogurt for Beauty
Skin Cleansing
Blemishes and Pimples
Traditional Clarified Butter – Desi Ghee
Author Bio
Since ancient times, mankind has considered milk from animals to be one of the most easily available and popular supplements to his diet. This milk is the main constituent of a number of other products like cheese, butter, yogurt, cottage cheese, and buttermilk. This book is going to tell you all about how you can use these products to cure a number of ailments.
In ancient times, a man’s prosperity was counted by the number of livestock he had in his farm, including goats, sheep, cows, horses, and other such domesticated animals. That is why in ancient books, the milk of a cow has been described in such glowing terms –
The spinal cord of a cow has a nerve called Sunlight in it. Whenever the Sun God showers his rays on the body of a cow grazing in the fields, the rays are turned into gold when they touch the nerve called sunlight. That is the reason why the butter and the milk you get from a cow is golden in color.
Talk about imagination! But this is the reason why when the Celtic and Gaulic tribes left Britain during the Roman conquest, the women walked in front of the cows and horses in order to protect them! That means if any one tried stealing the cows away, they would have to go through the warrior women first!
Traditionally, milk was drank fresh without heating. It is only nowadays that we pasteurize it in order to get rid of all the germs. The yellowish color, supposed to be gold from the rays of the sun [!] is nothing but fat globules in the milk. The white color of the milk is due to casein. This is rich in nourishing and nutritional calcium.
That is the reason why growing children are given a glass full of milk morning and evening, so that they have strong bones, good teeth and a healthy constituency.
Traditionally, it is believed that the best time to drink milk is in the early morning. According to the ancients, the milk was digested as the sun went up, taking with it the benefit of the rays of the sun. That is why milk and milk products were never given to members of the family during the evening hours. There is a scientific reason behind this belief. It takes about three hours for milk to digest. That is why, if you are drinking milk at night in order to sleep more peacefully, do not go to sleep, as soon as you drink the milk.