Recent development in the field of connected vehicles have opened up for a new type of data source, as the status of a connected vehicle and its surroundings can be communicated at arbitrary locations. Hence, by the use of connected vehicles in variable speed limit systems there is a potential of reducing the amount of roadside equipment. It is even possible to control the connected vehicles towards the current speed limit without the use of variable message signs. This allows for the application of variable speed limits at arbitrary locations.
The aim of this thesis is to examine how connected vehicles can be used to improve the efficiency of variable speed limit systems. The thesis contribute with new and improved methods using connected vehicles in all three parts of a variable speed limit system. The suggested methods are evaluated by microscopic traffic simulation. The overall conclusion is that the use of connected vehicles in variable speed limit systems can contribute to improvements in traffic efficiency compared to existing systems.
The six papers included in the thesis can be summarized as follows. First, it is shown that traditional variable speed limit systems can be effective for improving the traffic conditions on the motorway and the results can be comparable to more costly alterations by reconstruction of the infrastructure to increase the capacity. Next, the usefulness of connected vehicles for application and control of the speed limits in an existing variable speed limit system is investigated. It is concluded that the design of the control algorithm and the accuracy of the estimated traffic conditions have a great effect on the final outcome of the system. The design of the control algorithm is then examined by evaluation of a number of control algorithms with respect to safety, efficiency and environmental impacts. The main benefits and drawbacks of the algorithms are highlighted and desirable characteristics to include when designing a control algorithm are identified. In two studies, methods making use of connected vehicles for estimating the traffic conditions are proposed. The results show that connected vehicles are useful for improving the accuracy of the estimated traffic conditions through the inclusion of more detailed information and information at locations where detector measurements are not available. Finally, a variable speed limit system is proposed in which connected vehicles play a central role in the estimation of the traffic conditions, as well as in the control algorithm and for application of the speed limit. The system is shown to be useful for improving traffic efficiency during an incident at an arbitrary location along the controlled road.