Francisco Valdes (Author)
Francisco Valdes is Professor of Law and Dean's Distinguished Scholar at University of Miami School of Law. Considered the “father” of LatCrit, he is the author of numerous law review articles and the co-editor of an acclaimed collection of essays on the history of Critical Race Theory, entitled Crossroads, Directions, and a New Critical Race Theory (Temple University Press 2002).
Steven W. Bender (Author)
Steven W. Bender is Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Planning and Strategic Initiatives at Seattle University School of Law. He is the author of Mea Culpa: Lessons on Law and Regret from US History (NYU Press, 2015), Run for the Border: Vice and Virtue in U.S.-Mexico Border Crossings (NYU Press, 2012), Tierra y Libertad: Land, Liberty, and Latino Housing (NYU Press, 2010), and Greasers and Gringos: Latinos, Law, and the American Imagination (NYU Press, 2003).