Police struggle for leads as children disappear, their baby monitors hacked by an unknown predator…
Shocking GPS footage from a group of missing hikers…
A ravaged body found in a car during pick-up at the local elementary school…
…and many more, each brutal mystery begging Richie’s attention, and each leading him one step closer toward becoming the very thing he hunts.
Readers describe From Ash as “a must read” and praise Benner’s ability to draw them into the lives of his vivid, beautifully crafted characters. From cults to witches to kidnappings, From Ash delivers on its promise to take readers on an unpredictable, twisty ride.
Matthew Christopher Benner is an author from the east coast somewhere, possibly Maine - then again, I might be confusing him with a good writer. He's had a bunch of children and the man seems to gather professions like shot glasses: massage therapist, avionics technician, biography exaggerator, astronaut, Nobel laureate, dinosaur, etc. Also, he's balding.