Christ Has the Keys of Hell and of Deathย -ย Charles H. Spurgeonย (1834-1892)ย -ย Jesus Christ rules over heaven and hell: He alone conquered hell and death by His suffering upon the cross and by His glorious resurrection; here is the sinnerโs hope for eternity.
Eternal Torment for the Wicked: Unavoidable & Intolerableย -ย Jonathan Edwardsย (1703-1758)ย -ย a sobering examination of Godโs offended glory, His patience with sinners, and the inescapable punishment that He justly pours out upon those who hate His rule, His Son, and His gospel.
Exhortation to Escape Hellย -ย Jonathan Edwardsย (1703-1758)ย -ย an earnest plea to flee from eternal destruction to pardon in Jesus Christ.
Greatest Loss, Theย -ย John C. Ryleย (1816-1900)ย -ย What greater loss can human beings experience than the eternal loss of their never-dying souls?
Resurrection of Damnation, Theย -ย Samuel Daviesย (1723-1761)ย -ย a vision of Jesus Christโs glory as He pronounces His just and eternal sentence upon unrepentant sinners.
Torments of Loss, Theย -ย Thomas Bostonย (1676-1732)ย -ย a solemn consideration of what those in hell lose for eternity.
Torments of Sense, Theย -ย Thomas Bostonย (1676-1732)ย -ย describes what unrepentant sinners will suffer forever in their resurrected bodies.
Torments of Soul, Theย -ย Edward Paysonย (1783-1827)ย -ย While many sermons about hell focus on the sufferings of the body, this discourse reverently and soberly addresses the misery of the damned soul.
What Is Hell?ย -ย Edward Donnellyย -ย a careful survey of the nature of hell, why God created it, and the destiny of the devil, his fallen angels, and the damned.