Summer Shorts 4 follows the secret sex lives of the residents in a small town named Carnal. This is volume 4, the innocence issue. In "Rainbow Party," Carly Peterson is a virgin. She's just been invited to something called a rainbow party. When she discovers it's a competitive sex party—boys vs. girls—she's not sure if she should stay. But then she notices an attractive boy with tattoos who seems smitten with her. And her girlfriend Sam really wants her to stay. Sam needs her! If Carly could only get past her hang ups about virginity, she might just learn a secret something about her girlfriend Sam, and her own ability to be a nasty little girl, exactly when all the other girls at the party need her to be the dirtiest, hottest girl she can. Will the boys dominate? Or will the victory go to the girls? Find out!
From a girl who values her virginity to a girl who wishes to erase any trace of her innocence. In "A Snowball's Chance," Jake Benson refuses to let Cho Jones date his son, Billy. Jake is a womanizer who doesn't really care about anyone's needs but his own. Meanwhile, Cho Jones is out to prove she's not the sweet, young girl Mr. Benson thinks she is. And Cho is right! She is going to give Jake a "taste" of his own medicine.
In “Two Bridesmaids,” Walt meets a mysterious woman from the bride’s side of the family at his brother’s wedding. He’s interested in her, and she’s interested in him. But then at the reception, this woman backs off. She won’t even speak to him. But her eighteen year old daughter Claire will speak to Walt. And after Claire has had a few glasses of champagne, she’s willing to do even more. Walt doesn't realize that there’s a good reason why sweet Claire’s mother has ignored him, but he’s sure to find out before the night is through. Will Walt still respect himself after the wedding is over?
Huck Pilgrim has lived on the streets of New York City, in a communal home for Christians, and on an American submarine out of San Diego. He has washed dishes, made costumed helium balloon deliveries, and robbed designer jeans from department stores.
Huck writes gritty stories about submission, blackmail, and coercion. Occasionally he tosses a hand grenade of action and adventure into the mix. Huck's stories are vivid fantasies, exploring the darker sides of submission and exposure. In Huck's stories, the mousy girl becomes suddenly bold and capable, often discovering the hidden slut inside her. The men are handsome, hard-bitten, and cruel, enjoying all manner of debauchery.
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