Ilaria Palchetti is an Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence (Italy). She received the Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Florence (Italy). Her research interests include sensor and biosensor development, analytical chemistry, electrochemistry and nanotechnologies for sensor production.
Peter-Diedrich Hansen, Univ.-Prof. em. for Eco-Toxicology at the TU Berlin, Dir.u. Prof. a.D. Federal Health Office,. Areas of research are early warning systems, whole cell biosensors and bioanalytical methods, applications for effects monitoring in coastal-, inland waters and under extreme environments (PI of the ESA project “immunological and cellular responses under microgravity and space radiation (ISS) – development of a biosensor with phagocotic cells”).
Prof. dr. Barcelo Damia, Director of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) and Professor at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Barcelona, Spain. His expertise is in water quality assessment and management, fate, risk and removal of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants and analysis, fate and risk of emerging contaminants and nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. He published over 900 papers, 200 book chapters and has h index 91. He was a coordinator of several national and EU projects and at the moment he coordinates two EU projects: GLOBAQUA, on multiple stressors in the aquatic environment and SEA-on-a-CHIP, on the development of sensor technolgies for emerging contamaints in marine aquaculture. He is CoEditor in Chief of the journal Science of Total Environment and the book series Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, both form Elsevier..