Leda Meredith has become New York City's "locavore emiritus." She is the author of Botany, Ballet and Dinner from Scratch, a memoir with recipes about her year of eating only foods grown within a 250-mile radius of her home in Brooklyn, New York, and has been featured on The Martha Stewart Show, in the New York Times and Post, and on locavore blogs and websites. She is an instructor at the New York Botanical Garden and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden specializing in edible and medicinal plants. In addition to teaching ongoing classes, Leda regularly leads foraging tours, and speaks and leads seminars at Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York Botanical Garden, Genesis Farm, Stone Barns Institute, Woodbridge Garden Club, and The Herb Society of America. Leda details her locavore lifestyle on her blog, Leda's Urban Homestead: ledameredith.net/wordpress.