Eva Millien
This paranormal fantasy romance has a bit of a fairy tale feel to it as the heroine has been in an enchanted sleep for a really long time and once she awakens she has to join her mate and fight the evil bad guys, but of course it’s not as easy as all that. This fascinating read has some captivating characters and fascinating plot with a wonderfully different world, one that certainly captured my attention and keep me turning the pages. The romance between Madeline and Lev is one that has some major odds to overcome as there are misunderstandings, curses, magic, evil and trust issues to get in the way but the love and the attraction is still there and burns bright if they can just trust their hearts. The plot is steady paced and flows smoothly throughout all the trials of tribulations of this couple’s journey to save their son with magic and thrilling battles adding excitement to the story and some unique elements spice things up as well. If you are like me and haven’t read the first two, please do because reading this story without having read them, left feeling a little lost at the beginning until I got quite a bit into the story and figured out what was happening, that’s not to say that the story wasn’t enjoyable because it was quite fascinating and kept a hold of me until I had figured it out and of course by then I really had to know how it was going to end, so I have added the previous books to my TBR pile and will hopefully get to them soon.