Lenore Kosinski
4.5 stars — I don’t know what exactly had me enjoying this one even more than the previous ones, but I think part of that was that Cassie’s perspective is a bit different from the previous girls. They were all afraid of being raped, Cassie’s considering giving herself in exchange for protection. So it didn’t have the same kidnapper fetish vibes of the previous ones. Plus, OMG, Kerr is honestly just the sweetest. I mean, I know Shax is going to be sweet, but I had no idea Kerr had these depths inside him. Seeing him blush over some things was just freaking adorable. And he came across even more vulnerable than the previous heroes. There was a depth there that I really appreciated. And he truly showcased his care and respect for Cassie, even if he had a one track mind and worked steadily towards gaining Cassie’s love. I was also uncertain about how Cassie’s story was going to play out, and honestly? From that blurb, I didn’t expect the direction it went. But I actually really enjoyed it. It was intense, and I truly felt her fear for her children, and the unknown of what had happened. And the constant pain of making compromises to keep her children safe, while allowing them to be children. It was an interesting thing to contemplate. I also really appreciated that Cassie’s story had a completely different perspective from the other women. She’d been “rescued” fairly early, and so didn’t have ANY IDEA what it was really like outside the fence, and seeing her fear and uncertainty reminded us of that danger…and of the assets that the fae are in this world. I really love the innocence of the fae…each one we meet truly showcases that, along with their genuine desire to please and help. It’s nice to read about nice guys, you know? So yeah. Obviously still loving this series. Can’t wait to read more. I love that there’s a lot of intensity, and lots of steamy chemistry, but also a LOT of laughs to break things up. The laughs are my favourite part.
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