Bully the Bully is a true story of the author's near death experience, being hung and left to die on a telephone pole by local bullies in northern New Jersey. Although the events take place during the late sixties, the author begins with his witnessing of a child in his Karate class being bullied by some other kids. The noises of a beating, the cries of the victim all bring back the nightmares of his childhood. He takes the reader back to the events of his past; the painful break-up of his parents, his mother leaving, and the wandering from town to town with his father and younger brother. How many of us can relate to the "In Kids," and the "Out Kids," of our past? Fat, skinny, ugly, nerdy or just different is how the author categories the "Out Kids." You might think you've been picked on in the past, but when you read this story you will find a new meaning to the word, "Bully." There is no escape from the bully, until that day finally comes when you make that difficult decision that you've had enough. Anger will then take the place of fear and no matter what the out come, good or bad your life will change forever. First this book is for your enjoyment, but hopefully for some it will be and education, for others they will relive their past like I have relived mine. But, most of all I hope it changes some peoples lives for the better.