Pedro Marangoni ([email protected]) was born in Brazil in 1949. After living in the troubled 70’s in Africa, an experience he wrote in the best-seller “Angola, comandos especiais contra cubanos” published in Portugal and “A opção pela espada”, with two sold-out editions, returned to Brasil having worked for about two decades as a helicopter pilot with more than 9,000 flying hours, most of them over the Amazon. One of the missions over the jungle, in particular, was the inspiration for “Incan Chimera”, also in Spanish. He published philosophy, "O infinito não tem pressa” and "Angústias de um peixe-voador" also in Italian; social criticism poetry, “A Era do Não”, the tale "Maria da Silva - A glimpse of Brazilian reality", already translated to Spanish, Italian, English and German; variety, “A culinária no Brasil nos idos de 1900”, children’s literature with "The Fat Chubby King”, and “O alfabeto: Joaninha explica”, and explored paranoia, the mark of our times with “A conspiração de Santo Antonio do Desamparo”. The tale “As brumas não são eternas”, about widowhood, mistreatment of the elderly and an octogenarian love story is the latest work, with a Spanish version. He won the 9th Livro de Graça na Praça/ Academia Mineira de Letras in 2015.