Pedro Marangoni was born in Espirito Santo do Pinhal, Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1949. Later (1968-1971) he joined the Brazilian Air Force and trained at the Military Pilot Training Centre. In (1972-1973) he served in the French Foreign Legion. Then in (1973-1974) he moved to Mozambique( baptism of fire in 1974,august at Cóbue,Niassa Lake, against Frelimo terrorists). In June 1975 he arrived in Angola and fought along side Colonel Santos e Castro for the FNLA. Participated in the Battle of Quifangondo (November, 1975). In February 1976 he abandoned Angola. During (1976 - 1977) he fought in Rhodesia (Rhodesian Special Branch) and created the first group of Mozambican Resistance. In 1979-1980 he served in the Spanish Legion and spent some time in Africa, before returning to Brazil. Later he worked in brazilian Amazonia, Bolivia and Peru, as a helicopter pilot for about 20 years. He is a helicopter Pilot with 9,000 hours of flight to his credit. He now resides in Brazil.