Long before the advent of human history, Satan arrogantly rebelled against his Creator. He wanted to make himself “like the Most High” and recruited one-third of the angels to follow him. God justly condemned Satan and his fallen angels to spend eternity in the lake of fire. Satan appealed the sentence, claiming unfairness—questioning how a loving God could cast His creatures into hell. Planet Earth is now the battleground where Satan seeks to outmaneuver God, prove the judgment unfair, and foil the execution of his sentence. Satan will not suffer defeat without an intense struggle.
God created man to resolve this angelic conflict. Human volition is the focal point of the firestorm. Will man choose God’s grace plan of salvation or follow the arrogant system of Satan? Through the freewill decisions of mankind, God proves to Satan His perfect justice and love again and again.
As believers, it is imperative we understand this spiritual warfare that surrounds us. Satan uses every ruse at his command to derail and discredit those who are in Christ. For our defense, God has provided an overwhelming advantage in a powerful suit of spiritual armor. With it we can withstand the “flaming missiles of the evil one” and become heroes in the invisible war. God is glorified as we lock shields and stand firm on His power and Word.
ROBERT B. THIEME, JR. (1918–2009) remains a significant voice of Christianity throughout the world. His diligent, expository teaching is based on the original languages of Scripture in light of the historical context in which the Bible was written. His innovative systems of vocabulary, illustrations, and biblical categories clearly communicate the infallible truths of God’s Word. Thieme recorded more than eleven thousand hours of sermons and published more than one hundred books covering much of the Bible.
Thieme graduated from the University of Arizona (Phi Beta Kappa) and Dallas Theological Seminary (summa cum laude). His seminary studies were interrupted by World War II military service during which he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Air Corps. After completion of his graduate work in 1950, he became pastor of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas. His extensive training in Greek, Hebrew, theology, history, and textual criticism provided the foundation for his demanding professional life of studying and teaching the Word of God. Thieme retired as pastor of Berachah Church after fifty-three years of faithful service.