Leadership in the Digital Age: Navigating Change and Uncertainty with Confidence by Siddharth Gupta is a timely guide that equips leaders with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in the digital era. In a rapidly evolving landscape, this book offers practical strategies, insightful case studies, and actionable advice for embracing digital transformation, driving innovation, and leading teams through change. Gain a deeper understanding of the impact of technology on business, the role of leadership in navigating disruption, and the importance of fostering a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. With its empowering narrative and forward-thinking insights, Leadership in the Digital Age empowers leaders to embrace the challenges of the digital era and emerge as confident, visionary leaders in a rapidly changing world.
Leadership in the Digital Age, Navigating Change, Uncertainty, Siddharth Gupta, digital leadership, leadership skills, adaptive leadership, leading through change, leadership strategies, digital transformation, leadership development, leadership in technology, change management, navigating uncertainty, digital disruption, leadership mindset, leading in the digital era, leadership qualities, digital leadership skills
रामगोपाल शर्मा जन्म : 25 अपै्रल, 1957 शिक्षा : एम.ए. (हिंदी), पी-एच.डी.। कृतित्व : विगत तीन दशकों से अध्यापन और लेखन को समर्पित; पाठ्य पुस्तकों, कहानी, कविता, नाटक एवं अन्यान्य विषयों में शोधपरक लेखन। आकाशवाणी के अनेक केंद्रों से रचनाएँ प्रसारित तथा दूरदर्शन से टेली फिल्में एवं सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का प्रसारण।
Acharya Vinoba Bhave by Ramgopal Sharma Leadership in the Digital Age, Navigating Change, Uncertainty, Siddharth Gupta, digital leadership, leadership skills, adaptive leadership, leading through change, leadership strategies, digital transformation, leadership development, leadership in technology, change management, navigating uncertainty, digital disruption, leadership mindset, leading in the digital era, leadership qualities, digital leadership skills