Sahiruddin is a lecturer in Graduate Program in Linguistics, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature from State Islamic University, Malang, Indonesia. Meanwhile, he received his MA in TESOL Studies in 2008 and PhD in Applied Linguistics in 2017 from The University of Queensland, Australia. He has taught in linguistics and applied linguistic units of study in the areas of academic reading, research method, psycholinguistics, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). His research interests are in the area of vocabulary and reading development, multimodal literacy practices, bilingualism, and second language acquisition issues.
Tantri R. Indhiarti was born in Balikpapan, 19 January 1987 and completed BA of English Literature at the Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya in 2010. In 2013, she completed her master program in Linguistics at the Faculty of Cultural Science Universitas Gadjah Mada. To date, her publications do not only dwell on microlinguistics (Semantics, Syntax, and Morphology), but also applied linguistics (Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, and Discourse Analysis) within the framework of Corpus Linguistics. Therefore, reflecting on the importance of research in applied linguistics, this book is written.
Emy Sudarwati was born in Tulungagung, April 14, 1983. She is the first of two children. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Department of English Literature, State University of Malang in 2001. In 2008, she continued her education to the master level in the field of English Education. Currently, she is a mother of two children and is listed as a lecturer in English at the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. At the present time, she is a doctoral candidate in the field of English Education at the State University of Malang. Her activity as lecturer and researcher encouraged her to write this book.