In Fated Love, Lady Adina, Countess Rathcavan, thinks it’s time her grandson took a bride, not just because there was no heir to the crumbling pile of stones that was her home, but since the explosion at his mill, their finances were strapped even further. The young man needed an heiress, but he had only one lady in mind, and she was as elusive as the sun in winter.
With Adina’s seventy-fifth birthday approaching, she decided to help her grandson by bringing his chosen lass, Lady Isabel Halden, to Rathcavan. And, since the lady was friends with her great-niece, Penelope, Adina could reunite her favorite relative with the man who unwillingly broke her heart when he was sent on a mission to Afghanistan. Lastly, if she could match that soft-hearted giant, Eamon Gowrey with the statuesque Brightman lass, Adina would be extra pleased with herself.
All three ladies come from good families and had more than sufficient dowries. But more importantly for Adina, they would appreciate and continue her stud long after she was gone.
A month-long house party with a ball, a fox hunt, moonlit walks in the garden and more, all bring the three couples closer. After an accident almost takes the life of one heiress, the three ladies vow to do everything in their power to stay together always. And the way they wished to start this new life was by sharing their wedding day with each other—if they can convince their new husbands of it!
Sandy Raven has the best kind of husband—one who doesn’t live with her and still pays her bills. The two daughters have been successfully launched into the world and are doing their thing, so don’t live with her either. She’s managed to convince her husband to come home once a month to take care of farm stuff because he knows from prior experience that Sandy and chainsaws are hazardous to fences, vehicles, and other trees. He also has to mow the fields and pastures because he thinks she’ll break his tractor.
She really loves living in the middle-of-nowhere, and the temperamental satellite internet has gotten a little better and she can now video chat with her husband every night. She now considers the closest Starbucks being a thirty-minute drive away to be a blessing. Seriously, if it was any closer her doctor would have more to gripe at her about.
Second to writing is her love for her animals. She practices natural horsemanship and while she doesn’t ride nearly as much as she used to, Sandy has been known to occasionally throw a leg over and ride her favorite boy around to ‘check fences.’
Home is still that same small farmhouse, but she probably needs to renovate again because the last reno was done way before shiplap became a thing. She still shares this tiny farmhouse with her husband (when he’s home,) and a few house cats and Dobermans. Her barn is populated with an ever-changing number of cats and dogs, and her remaining horses. She’s a member of both the Romance Writers of America and Novelists Inc.
(And, honestly, I didn’t break his other tractor. I have no idea what he’s talking about.)
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