Barb Massabrook
Book: Rescued by her Highland Soldier By Melinda SarahMallory Hammond Series: Lairds of Ardvarrick, Book #2 Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars Inverness, Scotland l746 Madeleine d’Evremont is traveling through the war torn highlands, it has only been weeks since the Battle of Culloden massacre occurred. Where the Duke of Cumberland and his redcoats butchered Scotland and its people and are now searching for more Jacobite traitors who have escaped or are in hiding. Unfortunately, Maddie is alone since both her maid and adventurer father had left her abandoned in war torn Inverness on the coattails of the Battle of Culloden. As this is where she is staying when some dishonorable English Dragoons attempt to ravage her. This is also where the hero of this story, Grant Rathmore becomes Madeleine d’Evremont savior and escort. Grant Rathmore is heartbroken that all his friends and kinsmen who followed him has died on Culloden Moor. He looks around at his country and see’s how the English have destroyed and will murder innocent people no matter if they are elderly, women or children. Burning farms, killing livestock and starving his people. He wishes he had listened to his father, Laird Logan Rathmore, who objected to bonnie Prince Charles Stuart’s vision to put the noble Stuart’s back on the throne. No he was not on the English side either. Plus his father did have English and Scottish blood in his veins though it was Scotland they paid homage to. He knew now that he was considered a Jacobite traitor and could not return home ever! Grant fears his family might lose Ardvarrick Castle and lands, as he does not want to put his parents and all he loves in danger. They are very far in the north, he is praying that Ardvarrick will never be visible in the Dragoon’s view. He knows as long as he stays in exile they will be safe and not associated with a Jacobite rebel and hoping they have disowned him or think he is dead. Yet when Grant arrives at this Inn and heard the screams of a women! He was determined to save which he does and is impressed this beautiful French women even knocks out one of the Dragoons herself. He soon learns she is on a path per father s instructions to get her safely to a French ship to get back to France, yet they must journey to a couple different stops on their way. While this is happening they both fall in love but it is not without obstacles and dangers. Even as Maddie is in male apparel it does not stop her beauty and appeal. Plus Maddie does not know Grant’s true background as her father is not always the most honest of men. How will she feel if she ever finds out he is the son of a Laird? They both have self esteem issues and feel they are not good enough to open their hearts. Will this couple find a happily ever after or go their separate ways once Grant’s job is done and they reach Maddies ship ? Read and Grant Rathmore is the son of Laird Logan Rathmore and Ailsa McInnis from Forbidden to the Highland Laird, Lairds of Ardvarrick, book #1. I recommend both magnificent books but you can read either book as a stand alone book. Again this Trauthor knows how to sweep readers into her story. This book definitely sung to my Jacobite heart. Plus I have visited many of the places mentioned in this book like Bridge Street in Inverness and Culloden Moor. Plus I love true history in a historical fictional romance which is my favorite type of read. This riveting, quick paced, page turning, romantic adventure has all the elements historical romance readers love. Both characters were absolutely amazing as Grant was honorable, brave and protective and Maddie was strong, intelligent, and independent. The author paced this story beautifully and paced the plotting perfectly. I was definitely glued too this story from start to finish and could not put it down. A book I highly recommend. I can’t wait for this next book in the Laird of Ardvarrick. Disclaimer: I received an advance readers copy through the author and Harlequin Publishers. I voluntarily agreed to do a fair review and honest review and blog.