"Fur-ever Friends: The Hilarious Tale of a Cat & Dog" is a children's book that tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a cat named Leo and a dog named Cheri. Leo and Cheri live in the same neighborhood but have never been friends. They've always been known to chase each other around.
One day, while Leo is out for exploring the neighborhood, he gets lost and finds himself in an unfamiliar part of town. He's scared and alone until he hears a familiar bark. It's Cheri, who has come to his rescue! Leo is surprised that Cheri is helping him but he quickly realized that they can be friends after all.
As they spend more time together, Leo and Cheri learn that they have alot in common. They both love to play, they both like to nap in the sun, and they both enjoy a good belly rub. They become best friends, and soon, their owners notice how happy they are together.
This heartwarming tale is all about the power of friendship, even when it seems unlikely at first.
The author has written two children's books, both of which are available on Amazon and Google Play Books. His first book (Puppy And Budgie) features animals and children's yoga, and both books were designed and illustrated by the author himself.