Midge Odonnell
3.5 Stars This novel sort of hit the spot but sort of missed it as well. It was certainly nowhere near as fun as the first in the series and, I will readily admit, I am now a little worried about the further books (and I have bought the first 9). In it's defence the character is the same scatty Rebecca Bloomwood we came to know and love in the first book BUT her reckless spending feels over exaggerated in this book. The character is also less empathetic this time around. I think that for this reader it was because she only identifies her self through purchases and through Luke; she is far less self aware. Hopefully this is because her head is turned by the fawning Production Companies and that she is believing the lines they are feeding her. The plot is carefully thought through and the city setting of New York has been well researched - well, in so far as a shopping mad tourist would research it anyway. You do feel you are following Rebecca on this journey but there are some inconsistencies and sections where you have to suspend belief to avoid throwing it across the room. The whole sub-plot relating to Luke's PR business drove me to distraction. Particularly because I could not fathom how Rebecca could be so completely clueless over what was clearly going on. The other thing that is starting to grate are the letters from those she owes scads of money too - store cards, credit cards and her bank overdraft. Obviously I missed some life lesson somewhere where your creditors treat you like a person - trust me I have the experience (as many have) that they really don't. Her debt is treated as somehow "cute" and 2 books in this is starting to aggravate me - not a good sign when the whole series is predicated on this theory. I'm also not committed to the relationship between Rebecca and Luke. It feels forced on the page and very much like they are both settling for someone, anyone. Makes you wonder why I keep reading doesn't it? The truth is that they are pacy, fun and take you out of what can be a boring and humdrum world.