This is the first interdisciplinary book to address this area specifically and is essential reading for those who produce the functional biopolymer materials as well as those who seek to incorporate them into appropriate nutraceutical, food and drug delivery products.
Dr Sreerag Gopi currently works as a Chief Scientific Officer at ADSO Naturals Private Limited Bangalore, India and Curesupport B. V, The Netherlands. He is a materials chemist and nanomaterials scientist, and has expertise in nanomaterial synthesis, characterization and bio composites for water purification experiments, etc. He has published international papers and book chapters as well as co-editing more than 10 books. He is a Associate Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a chartered member of Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
Dr Preetha Balakrishnan is currently working as a Scientist in ADSO Naturals Private Limited Bangalore and Curesupport B V, The Netherlands. She obtained her PhD in Chemistry from Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala India. Her research interests are in materials chemistry, nanomaterial characterization and synthesis and bionanocomposite characterization, etc. She has published several peer reviewed articles, book chapters and edited more than 15 books with leading publishers across globe.
Dr Matej Bračič is currently a Research Assistant at University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia.