This book lists 8,752 core Japanese words with English equivalents. Main entries are in Kana (Japanese alphabet) alphabetically with Chinese characters, if any, followed by romanized Japanese pronunciation. Next, in the same line, parts of speech label, and the entry’s English equivalents.
えんせい 遠征 ensei [n.] expedition
えんぜつ 演説 enzetsu [n.] speech
えんぜつしゃ 演説者 enzetsu sha [n.] speaker
えんぜつする 演說する enzetsu suru [v.] address
えんそう 演奏 ensō [n.] performance
えんそうかい 演奏会 ensō kai [n.] recital
Japanese is written with three different scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji (Chinese character). Typical Japanese words are written with Hiragana and Chinese characters. Chinese characters must be used since almost 90% of the language derives from Chinese characters. Katakana is usually used to write foreign words other than Chinese.