Deadworld is one of the longest running independent, acclaimed horror comic series, with over 1M copies sold that attacks the zombie menace from a different ‘supernatural’ perspective. The dead return to walk the earth...but this is no standard zombie story. In addition to having intelligent zombies with a mission and goal, Deadworld also explores the human interactions as mankind finds itself facing extinction. And while some groups organize in the best interests of self- preservation, others use this as an opportunity to explore their own self-deluded dreams. Deadworld is a story of horror...of survival...of hope and despair. It is an ongoing saga of modern man facing his darkest side...where science and technology are no longer his allies.
With Deadworld: Tattoo - The original creators of Deadworld Return!
Ralph Griffith and Stuart Kerr deliver a self-contained spin-off story from the Deadworld universe. Here is the saga of a female hybrid between the living and the dead known as Tattoo.
THIS ISSUE: "Origins - Part 2". The Rasta Man teams up with the Voodoo Queen to put in play a plan to rid New Orleans of the human vengeance squad known as the Blues who feel that they have the moral blessing to win the war against the zombies.
A Caliber Comics release.