Mo Daoust
Amazing book, even if you don't even like zombies! Two years after the zombie apocalypse, precisely 26 months and 13 days, Tye LeBow is searching for supplies in empty houses. His friend Jackson Hart is keeping watch; they’ve been travelling together for a month. While searching, Tye hears a noise, and they have to make a run for it; there are some wakers – zombies – outside. Zombies usually travel in pack of 5, but this time there are three packs; it’s not normal, as far as normal is nowadays anyway. Tye and Jackson must split up, and they will meet in one hour in Kelly’s Clothing Boutique. Meanwhile, Dr. Polly Parker is inside said Boutique; she’s setting up traps, home-made bombs, to be precise. And Tye walks in; Polly hasn’t seen another person in 9 months, and the last one, a man… And there, I was seriously intrigued… Polly is scared, thinks of leaving Tye there, then changes her mind and goes and gets him. The books I have read and the zombies movies I have watched total fewer than the number of fingers on both hands. I’m not sure what prompted me to pick this book; the blurb looked interesting, the cover looks awfully nice; I just took a chance, and I’m very happy I did! Even though, it’s book 2, I did not feel I missed anything, except to know more about Jackson. WAKING UP ALIVE takes the reader right in the thick of things, and talk about fast-paced and exciting! I loved both Polly and Tye, they are very different: he’s the brawn, she’s the brain; and they have different reasons to want to kill the zombies, and this is a fascinating part of the story. What pleased me most about WAKING UP ALIVE is that it is a very intelligent book which gives a lot to think about. There are epic plot twists, which are settled very cleverly. All in all, I believe readers who like zombies will love it, but most of all, this is a book for readers who never read about zombies or don’t fancy them! The writing is seamless, the dialogues perfectly reflect the characters’ personalities, everything is plausible; it’s excellent from the first page to the last! An exciting, fascinating, clever, and intelligent book! I hope there will be more books in this series! I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.