Follow the story of Speedy the Snail, who embarks on an extraordinary expedition through the verdant forest, driven by a desire to be as fast as his fellow creatures. Along the way, Speedy seeks the guidance of the forest's esteemed elders, each imparting pearls of wisdom that lead him to a profound revelation.
In this enchanting narrative, Speedy learns that his perceived weakness is, in fact, his greatest strength. His journey of self-discovery unfolds with each turn of the page, teaching young readers the invaluable lesson of embracing their individuality.
"Odyssey of a Snail" is a celebration of self-positivity, growth, and the serenity that comes with calmness and mindfulness. It is a story that resonates with the young and the young at heart, encouraging all to find contentment in being true to oneself.
Crafted with captivating illustrations, this book is an ideal read for mothers looking to instill a sense of self-worth and confidence in their children.