In a world where everyone is completely inundated by phone calls, drop-ins, pop-up ads, and junk mail, how can you and your product begin to make its impression known in the business world? By learning how to combine time-tested sales processes with cutting-edge social media strategies.
Sales expert and author Tony J. Hughes details today’s new breed of chief executive buyers, the channels they use, the value narratives that they find appealing, and the mix of methods that will grab their attention.
In Combo Prospecting, you will learn how to:
Old-school prospecting tactics are growing increasingly irrelevant in today’s tech-savvy online business world. However, new-school techniques alone have proven to not be able to provide the answers. The key to your success is to learn how to unleash a killer combination of old and new sales strategies.
Tony has served as head of sales for public corporations and as the Asia-pacific CEO for tier-one global technology companies. With two previous books, Tony is a best-selling author and renowned keynote speaker, and has been consistently ranked as a top 3 influencer on sales globally. He is co-founder and sales Innovation Director at Sales IQ Global and sits on a number of advisory boards. Tony has also taught sales for three universities and his clients include Salesforce, SAP, Schneider Electric, New Zealand Government, Salesforce, TAL Life, Grant Thornton, BAE Systems, Oracle, Flight Centre Travel Group, Red Hat and UBT with their 4,000 member companies globally.