1. Right-Wing Authoritarian Personality: We explore what drives individuals toward right-wing ideologies and their perceptions of authority and conformity.
2. Authoritarian Personality: We delve into the roots of authoritarianism, from historical contexts to its modern psychological traits.
3. The Authoritarian Personality: We reveal the cognitive biases, group dynamics, and the appeal of strongman leaders.
4. Conservatism: We examine conservatism's core tenets, its personality appeal, and its policy impact.
5. Political Psychology: Discover how cognitive processes shape political beliefs and actions.
6. Social Dominance Orientation: We investigate how this orientation relates to hierarchies, power structures, and social inequality.
7. Bob Altemeyer: Learn about Bob Altemeyer's research that illuminates the authoritarian mindset.
8. Social Dominance Theory: We explore why some individuals seek dominance over others, beyond personal gain.
9. Trumpism: An analysis of Trump's rise as a blend of authoritarian tendencies with populist politics.
10. Religion and Authoritarianism: Explore the connections between religious beliefs and authoritarianism.
11. Political Spectrum: We map where right-wing authoritarians fall on the ideological spectrum.
12. Obedience (Human Behavior): Insights from Milgram's experiments to real-world obedience complexities.
13. F-Scale (Personality Test): Discover the revealing F-Scale for identifying authoritarian inclinations.
14. Openness to Experience: We contrast authoritarianism with the role of openness in political beliefs.
15. Global Change Game: Engage with a simulation that mirrors global power dynamics.
16. Dark Triad: We discuss narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy's intersection with authoritarianism.
17. Authoritarian Leadership Style: Analyze traits defining authoritarian leadership across various domains.
18. Honesty-Humility Factor of the HEXACO Model of Personality: Insights into the moral compass of authoritarians.
19. Machiavellianism (Psychology): Unmasking cunning and strategic minds thriving in shadows.
20. Karen Stenner: We explore Stenner's paradox of intolerance and the balance between diversity and authoritarianism.
21. Eva G. T. Green: We conclude with a tribute to Green, whose research bridges psychology and politics.
The insights from this book are an investment in understanding the complexities of our world.