Vladislav A. Lektorsky is Professor and Principle Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; titular member of the International Institute of Philosophy, Paris, France; and full member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Brussels, Belgium. His research interests lie in Epistemology, philosophy of consciousness and philosophy of cognitive science. He has authored 6 books and over 500 articles. His works have been published in English, German, French, Chinese, Turkish, Bulgarian, Polish, and Czech.
Marina F. Bykova is Professor of Philosophy at North Carolina State University, USA and the Editor of the journal Russian Studies in Philosophy. Her research interests lay in the history of nineteenth century continental philosophy, with a special focus on German idealism and theories of subject and subjectivity developed by Kant, Fichte, and Hegel. She has authored three books and numerous articles on classic German philosophy and edited a new Russian edition of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (2000) with a new commentary. Her works have been published in Russian, German, and English.