Vivian Brandon
Eleanor's lived with her aunt & uncle since her parents died. She found friendship with Sorin, a neighbor Landover by by by guy Landover by by by guy Landover by by by guy rubber mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini pink Minh yet friend to her uncle. Sorin developed a romantic attraction to Eleanor which he didn't feel appropriate; so he left town for many years. When he returned , his feelings for Eleanor were even stronger. They both had to marry; could she possibly come to share his feelings? Winsome clean, historical romance! Enjoyed Eleanor, her uncle Charles and even Sorin. Eleanor's friend, Caroline and her Aunt Rowena characters weren't as complete or believable. Would have liked to see more interaction between Caroline and the Commander. Good read. Voluntarily read an ARC through, Netgalley and publisher, for an honest review.