Initially, The Boardgamer’s publication ran concurrently with Avalon Hill’s house magazine, The General, but instead of focusing on new releases, it devoted coverage to those classic, Avalon Hill games which no longer graced the pages of The General.
Following the cessation of The General in June 1998, The Boardgamer was the primary periodical dedicated to the titles from AH/VG, until its final issue in 2004.
The contents of this volume consists of:
Home Fleet - Team Variants & Short Scenario For Atlantic Storm
Here Come The Rebels - Scenario 6 - From Frederick To Sharpsburg
Guns Of August - A West Front 1914 Scenario
Sideshows & Diversions - Article #3 In The Third Reich Workshop Series
The British Receding - A 1776 Series Replay
Patton’s Other Best - The Saga Of The 2nd Armored Division
Avaloncon 1998 - More Returns From The National Championships
AREA Ratings
Mayhem In Manila - ASL Series Replay
Operation Blau - A Variant For Russian Front
Alone Against The Blitz - Optional Rules For London’s Burning
Honorable Diplomatic Advice - From The 1996 AvalonCon Diplomacy Champion
The First Peloponnesian War - A Variant For Peloponnesian War
What Do We Do Without Carriers? - A Victory In The Pacific Game Narrative
Circus Maximus Chariot Generation - A Non-Random Method To Start Circus Maximus
Tournament Bitter Woods - Four December Days in the Ardennes
The Rifle Grenade In Up Front - A New Option
1999 Midwest Open - Victory In The Pacific Tournament
Crowning Strategies For The British - Strategy In We The People
Ghosts Of The Third World War - Tournament Rules and Scenarios for MBT
The Heir To The Rex - A Tyranno Ex Variant
A Diamond In The Rough - The 1812 Scenario In War & Peace
Breakout: Normandy Series Replay, Part 1 - Commentary by German Player and Neutral Commentary
Breakout: Normandy Series Replay, Part 2 - Commentary by German Player and Neutral Commentary
Katyusha - Russia’s Secret Weapon Against The Blitz
Lesser Mortals - Historical Intermediate and Short Games for Successors
Warhorses And Nags - The Planes in the Mustangs Stable
Attack Sub - Some More Options
Fixing Hitler‘s War - Correcting Some of the Obvious Bugs
A Difficult Birth In Baltimore - History of the Gamer’s Guide to Third Reich
The Editor Went Down To Baltimore - He Was Looking For Some Plaques To Steal