Malaka Isme
This book without even reading it is an insult. There is no way to read, yet alone understand the Quran in 3 hours. As a Muslim convert I am appalled and even laugh at such an insult as this. If you want to know what the Quran says, read a full translation from the real source you will be glad that you did. Don't waste your time or money on this book.
Rochelle Harris
Whoever wants to know about plumbing should seek the advise of a plumber, the one who wishes to know of a medical issue should ask a doctor.what an insanity to ask about science from a rapper or cleaner has to say about its entirety. oh seeker we must ask what a learned muslim says of it. For Qur'an is not a book written by man but from God to man.if you dont believe then im adressing those who wish to download this book. Im not saying people who are not of its faith must not say anything but say nothing of what one has no knowledge of. So I advise you and myselfe to be sincere and ask yourselves why you wish to read the Quran, and thereafter read it from its true sources; wethter you wish to know of it breifly or in its entirety. I am a muslim and learned one of the Quran by the grace of the All-Mighty and I must say the title is insulting to the Book. A Book of 114 chapters with thousands of verses can not be sumerized in three hours...infact the recitation of one chapter requires an hour or 2. Islamic scholars write volumes.Read the english version by Muhsin Khan, thats the most near of it. And dont be afraid to ask the muslim upon the sunnah. P.s be just &dont blind follow
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S Memon
Should be title Anti Islamic Bible by George Bush, Misleading words are everywhere. I can laugh at this person for trying so hard to add concoction to the Holy book, yet receives nothing more than criticism. Even the name is misspelled lol
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