Rita Ambarwati

Dr. Rita Ambarwati S., S.E., M.MT., is an associate professor at the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, who teaches several subjects, including operational management, operations research, and marketing strategy. The 4th daughter of the couple H. Sudarso and Hj. Sri Asmaningwati was born in Surabaya on 07 April 1980 who started her career as a banking practitioner in 2000-2012 and has been a trainer and lecturer in operational management since 2017. The researcher's educational background includes S-1 Management, Wijaya Putra University in Surabaya (graduated in 2003). S-2 master's in technology management, ITS 10 Nopember Surabaya (graduated in 2011), and S-3 Doctoral Program in Management Science, Universitas Brawijaya in Malang (graduated in 2014). The author is involved in research and community service, both funded by Ristekdikti and independent funds on product development strategies and operational management themes in the industry.