Hi there, we are sorry to hear that you are having complications with your device after the update. Please reach out to our team at (https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) so we may further diagnose the issue and assist you with this matter. You may also send us an app log by going to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Thank you.
Ken Kuang
半年前的app还不错,最近app越更新越多广告,垃圾,cao ni ma的 回复开发者:我指的广告不是推送广告,那些我早就全关掉了。我说的广告是app里面到处都提示我买cam plus,想查看摄像头片段,看到最后第12秒就跳出来叫我买cam plus,难道我不知道怎么买吗?我要是打算买cam plus我早就买了,不需要你总在app里面提醒我!这摄像头买了大半年用下来还挺好的,可惜现在app越更新就越来越多诱导消费的地方,我只需要最基本的摄像头功能!老是提示买什么cam plus,恶心死了。下一个摄像头大概不会再买wyze了,会全部换到无广告的品牌。
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Wyze Labs Inc.
Hi Ken, we are very sorry to hear this happened and would like to look into this further. If you have not, please reach out to our Wizards team (https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) so we may help diagnose the issue. Thank you!
Google 用户
軟件升級前還可以,升級後完全無法進入界面(連接超時). 希望盡快解決.
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- Fixed the issue that Battery Cam Pro crashed when clicking on the SD card in the event playback page